2013 Poster Presentation: Lumbar Zygapophyseal Joint Cyst Aspiration: A Case Report & Systematic Review of Literature. American Pain Society Conference, 32nd Annual Scientific Meeting. New Orleans, LA. May 9th, 2013.
2013 Poster Presentation: The Role of Embeda in Opioid Abuse: a Systematic Review of Literature. American Pain Society Conference, 32nd Annual Scientific Meeting. New Orleans, LA. May 9th, 2013.
2013 BCM/UTH PM&R Alliance Journal Club: Plow, E., Pascual-Leone, A. Brain Stimulation in the Treatment of Chronic Neuropathic and Non-Cancerous Pain.
2013 BCM/UTH PM&R Alliance: Evidence Based Treatment Guidelines for Back Pain
2013 BCM/UTH PM&R Alliance Quality Improvement Program: Improving resident didactic experience while maintaining adequate patient care.
2012 MD-Anderson Pain Medicine Journal Club: Chopko, B., Caraway, D. MiDAS I (mild Decompression Alternative to Open Surgery): A Preliminary Report of a Prospective Multicenter Clinical Study.
2012 Poster Presentation: Use of Intrathecal Baclofen in the Treatment of Autonomic Dysreflexia. Association of Academic Physiatrist Annual Meeting. Las Vegas, Nevada. April 2012.
2012 BCM/UTH PM&R Alliance: Physical Examination Techniques of Lumbosacral Spine
2011 MD-Anderson Pain Medicine Journal Club: Harden, N. et al. Validation of proposed diagnostic criteria (the “Budapest Criteria”) for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome.
2011 Poster Presentation: Synovial Cyst Aspiration of the Elbow Under Ultrasound in a Rheumatoid Arthritis Patient Presenting Similar to Lateral Epicondylitis. Association of Academic Physiatrist Annual Meeting. April 2011.
2011 BCM/UTH PM&R Alliance: Lee, Jung Hwan et al. Clinical Effectiveness of Botulinum Toxin Type B in the Treatment of Subacromial Bursitis or Shoulder Impingement Syndrome.
2011 BCM/UTH PM&R Alliance: Pediatric Pain Management
2011 BCM/UTH PM&R Alliance Journal Club: Jost, W.H. Efficacy and tolerability of a botulinum toxin type A free of complexing proteins (NT 201) compared with commercially available botulinum toxin type A (BOTOX+) in healthy volunteers.
2011 BCM/UTH PM&R Quality Improvement Program: Central Line Policy at Memorial Herman TIRR
2010 BCM/UTH PM&R Alliance: Overview & Review of Literature Regarding the Treatment of Scoliosis in Cerebral Palsy
2010 St. Mary’s Health Center Department of Internal Medicine Intern Case Presentation: Case of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
2009 St. Mary’s Health Center Department of Internal Medicine Intern Case Presentation: Cushing’s Syndrome Secondary to Small Cell Lung Carcinoma
2009 St. Mary’s Health Center Department of Internal Medicine Intern Case Presentation: Purpura Fulminans in Pneumococcal Sepsis